Our Programs
We are a safe space for children ages 5+ to come exactly as they are and grow into the best version of themselves. Our classes and events are thoughtfully designed to cultivate emotional resilience, self-awareness, and a sense of connection, drawing on the ancient practices of yoga, breathing techniques, and mindfulness activities. In all of our classes and events we inspire life skills that your children have accessible to them ALWAYS:
Being ourselves…self-confidence
Trying new things…reducing anxiety
Sitting still…stabilizing energy
Slowing down our thinking minds…encouraging focus
Pausing…creating impulse control
Noticing…creating emotional balance
Connecting…creating our own calm

What Our Kids Say

"The truth is I was very nervous to start. It took some time but now it's the one after school activity I will never miss! I have learned how to have more confidence and trust myself"
Just Breathe Yogi, age 12
“I had no idea I could create my own calm. And sharing it with other classmates made me feel strong and confident.”
Just Breathe Yogi, age 10
“This club changed my life. I waited every day for Wednesdays because I knew I was going to practice being myself. I will take these tools with me forever.”
Just Breathe Yogi, age 11
“Just Breathe for Kids is like a break, where you get to relax. It’s a place I can go and get rid of all the stuff- the anxiety in my brain and sometimes in my body. You have fun, you learn new things like new yoga poses and what they mean and how they help your body. I really love JB4K. It holds a special place in my heart.”
Jack, age 11
mission statement
We inspire the essential life skills necessary for ALL kids to confidently navigate the world and embrace their individuality to awaken their full potential.

What Parents Say

"Just Breathe for Kids is such a calming force in my daughters life. She has been a student of Mrs. Jamie’s for years and absolutely looks forward to attending as often as possible. This became even more important to her during the corona virus shutdown. The coping skills she learned will benefit her throughout her life."
Parent of a Just Breathe for Kids Kid
“Just Breathe for Kids introduces and teaches more than yoga to kids. The staff connects with kids showing them how to slow down, be mindful, present, and the importance of self-worth and kindness.”
Parent of a Just Breathe for Kids Kid
My daughter was so shy until she started at JB4K. Now she raises her hand in class and even volunteered to lead a club in school. Thank you for inspiring her greatness and teaching her life skills!
Parent of a Just Breathe for Kids Kid